How to mimic the Outlook group name style ?

Recently, I had to sort items in my listview. Ok, I heard you, “nothing difficult doing that”. But I also had to group them as Outlook does. I mean “according to the date, today items, yesterday items, tomorrow items, next month items,…”

First of all we have to define the label for each group:

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
  string[] groupName = {"Older",
      "Last month", "4 weeks ago", "3 weeks ago", "2 weeks ago", "Last week",
      "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday",
      "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday",
      "Next week", "In 2 weeks", "In 3 weeks", "In 4 weeks", "Next month",

  // populate the group list
  foreach(string group in groupName)
    listView1.Groups.Add(new ListViewGroup(group));

Then we have to define what group an item belongs to according to the current date and the item’s date.

internal static int GetDateTimeGroupIndex(DateTime dtRef, DateTime dtSource)
  // Because week starts on Monday in France
  int dtWeekDay = (Convert.ToInt32(dtSource.DayOfWeek) + 6) % 7;
  int dtRefWeekDay = (Convert.ToInt32(dtRef.DayOfWeek) + 6) % 7;

  int ts = (dtRef.Date - dtSource.Date).Days;

  if (ts == 0)
    return 0; // same day
  if (ts == 1)
    return -1; // day before

  if (ts == -1)
    return 1; // day after

  // same week
  if ((ts > 1) && (ts <= dtRefWeekDay)) 
    return dtWeekDay - 8;
  if ((-ts > 1) && (-ts <= 6 - dtRefWeekDay))
    return dtWeekDay + 2;

  // previous / next weeks
  for (int nIdx = 0; nIdx <= 3; nIdx++) 
    if ((ts > dtRefWeekDay + nIdx * 7) && (ts <= dtRefWeekDay + (nIdx + 1) * 7)) 
      if (dtRef.Month == dtSource.Month) 
        return -(9 + nIdx); 
        return -13; 
    if ((-ts > 6 - dtRefWeekDay + nIdx * 7) && (-ts <= 6 - dtRefWeekDay + (nIdx + 1) * 7))
      if (dtRef.Month == dtSource.Month)
        return (9 + nIdx);
        return 13;

  if (Math.Abs(dtSource.Month - dtRef.Month) == 1)
    return Math.Sign(ts) * (-13);

  return Math.Sign(ts) * (-14);

Finally we have to set for every item the Group property as follow:

DateTime dtDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-2);
while(dtDate < DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2))
  ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem("Item " + dtDate.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
  item.Group = listView1.Groups[GetDateTimeGroupIndex(DateTime.Now, dtDate) + 14];
  dtDate = dtDate.AddDays(1);

And the result is …
Outlook Groupname sample

PS: as I am French, weeks start on monday, sorry 😉